
I’ve been getting a few hits lately which leads me to hope that some people are actually reading this.  Therefore I thought I’d briefly update you regarding the break between posts.

Our journey through Thunderspire has been put on hold as we work our way through a special Halloween adventure written by our Dungeon Master.  The scenario for the Halloween adventure takes place in a dream-like state whilst we are resting in the chapel from the last encounter.  As this is not Dallas I have no intention of writing about a dream, hence the hiatus.

We are through four of six encounters so far and should therefore return to the search for Mirklemoor on 2nd December.  I hope to be able to post about the next encounter within a couple of days of this.

In the meantime thanks for taking a look at my blog.


1 comment:

  1. So that took a little longer than I expected. The game should run fairly regularly now though.
